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Your Premier Wholesale Tree Nursery in Alpine, AL
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Tamara Camp is Hunter Trees, LLC’s Personnel Manager, who has been privileged to be part of this team since March of 2022. She graduated from Pensacola Christian College in Florida with a BS degree in Business Administration and furthered her education with an MS degree in Education Administration. Learning and teaching are both dear to her heart, and she is thankful to use these techniques to educate and encourage our employees by keeping safety in the workplace. She was born in Nicaragua and raised in Honduras—Spanish is her native language. Being bilingual allows her to communicate and work well with Hunter Trees’ employees.

Tamara is married to Matthew Camp, and they have a daughter named Emma. As a family, they are part of Victory Baptist Church, where they currently serve and are active members participating in many ways. They are active in the music worship team, Awanas, VBS, Sunday School classes, and programs provided for both English and Spanish ministries in the children and teens department. As a family, Tamara and Matthew enjoy sports and music, but being able to travel, be a part of missions, and share God’s love with others is the greatest enjoyment of all.

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